
HiTS – High Throughput Screening facility

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The Marseille Cancer Research Center celebrates its 50th anniversary ! -

High Throughput Screening

High Throughput Screening

The platform gives access to a state-of-the-art automated platform hosting a very small volume acoustic dispenser (echo550), an in line automated centrifuge, an automated plate sealer, a multimodal plate reader (fluorescence, absorbance, luminescence). The platform also hosts a versatile dispensing robot for larger volumes manipulation. This series of pieces of equipment allow to perform fast and robust screening campaigns (thousands of compounds in 1536 well plates).

This unique high technology facility provides all the necessary tools to overcome the challenges of early drug discovery stages in oncology!

Available Technologies:


Fluorescence Polarisation
Protein Thermostability (TSA/DSF)
Nanobret (Promega)
Cytotoxicity 3D
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

Equipements list :

Multimodal palte reader - BMG Labtech Pherastar FS 
Robotic screening Plateform - Beckamn Labcyte Access
Acoustic transfer - Beckamn Labcyte Echo550
Automatic dispenser - Certus Flex Gyger
RT-PCR 384 well plates for TSA - Biorad CFX 384
FPLC - GE Healtchare Akta Pure
Microcalorimetry - Malvern ITC200
Incubators (Culture cellulaire/Xray)

Molecular modelling for drug-design

Molecular modelling for drug-design

This unique platform integrates in a single entity the High Throughput Screening expertise (HTS) and the cheminformatics and molecular modelling know-how brought by Philippe Roche from the INT-3D platform (now part of HiTS). We propose a large variety of custom services from chemical library management to post screening analysis with focused subset generations to quickly and efficiently drive the projects to SAR by catalog. We are also able to carry the hit to lead phases once the hits are validated.

Available Technologies:

Homology Modelling
Molecular Dynamics
Virtual Screening
Ht-to-Lead Optimization
Growing Optimization (DOTS)
Covalent Inhititors (CovaDOTS - CovaLink - CovaGrow CovaProbe)
Fragment Libraries
Focused Libraries
Databases/Servers (2P2IDB)



The HiTS/IPCdd platform brings together a set of skills and technologies to accelerate the discovery of bioactive molecules either using experimental (in vitro or cellular) screening or molecular modelling for drug design approaches. Our goals are to identify, understand, validate and screen key signaling pathways of tumor development (enzymes, protein/protein interaction surfaces …) with a specific target being facilitate the transfer of the identified therapeutics / pharmacological targets to preclinical and clinical development in oncology.

High Throughput Screening

The platform gives access to a state-of-the-art automated platform hosting a very small volume acoustic dispenser (echo550), an in line automated centrifuge, an automated plate sealer, a multimodal plate reader (fluorescence, absorbance, luminescence). The platform also hosts a versatile dispensing robot for larger volumes manipulation. This series of pieces of equipment allow to perform fast and robust screening campaigns (thousands of compounds in 1536 well plates). This unique high technology facility provides all the necessary tools to overcome the challenges of early drug discovery stages in oncology.

Molecular modelling for drug-design

This unique platform integrates in a single entity the High Throughput Screening expertise (HTS) and the cheminformatics and molecular modelling know-how brought by Philippe Roche from the INT-3D platform (now part of HiTS). We propose a large variety of custom services from chemical library management to post screening analysis with focused subset generations to quickly and efficiently drive the projects to SAR by catalog. We are also able to carry the hit to lead phases once the hits are validated.

Experimental High Throughput Screening

Teaching in experimental screening:

  • Master 2 Research "Ingénierie de la santé, parcours médicaments et produits de santé" 
  • Ecole Centrale Marseille

The platform members are heavly involved in teaching at Aix-Marseilles' University as well as the local engineer schools:

  • Master 2 Research "Health Ingineering drugs" (Ingénierie de la santé, parcours médicaments et produits de santé)
  • Master 1 Research "Structural Biology and Genomics" (Biologie Structurale et Génomique)
  • Polytech Marseille
  • Ecole Centrale Marseille