Canceropôle 2024 Annual Seminar

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The Marseille Cancer Research Center celebrates its 50th anniversary ! -

The 2024 edition of the Canceropôle’s Annual Seminar brought together nearly 280 participants on July 4 and 5, 2024 at the Palais des Congrès in Saint-Raphaël. This year, 23 speakers have presented their research projects, results and perspectives.


Oral Communication Award

Fundamental Research Poster Awards

  • Scarlett Gallardo Arriaga, (Immunity and Cancer Team): « Targeting mitochondrial metabolism in the crosstalk between tumor cells and their immune environment in pancreatic cancer »
  • Iryna Moskalevska, IRCAN: « CTGF/CCN2: A new therapeutic target in metastatic renal cell carcinoma? »
  • Martin Storder, (Integrative Structural and Chemical Biology Team): « Conformational study of SIRPα, a protein involved in the « don’t eat me signal », and design of new small molecule inhibitors »
  • Manon Teisseire, IRCAN: « CTGF/CCN2: A new therapeutic target in metastatic renal cell carcinoma? »

Translational Research Poster Award

Public Poster Award

  • Oumayma Benaceur, C3M : « Description of a sensitive and convenient assay for the discovery of new eIF5a hypusination inhibitors »


The Talented Researchers popularize the Science 


  • Associations Award: Julia Tinland, SESSTIM: « Patients-en-attente » diagnostiqués d’une Leucémie Lymphoïde Chronique (LLC): enjeux éthiques et philosophiques »


To see all the performances, click here.